With the intelligent visual recognition of Moonvision we automate your quality control in the
- Assembly line
- Metal processing
- Welding
- Wood Processing
- Paint Shop
You benefit from:
Recognition in Realtime
Application both in the cloud and fail-proof on the spot
Reduced setup time
Reliable and consistent high quality
Compliance with industry standards
Always one step ahead
We would be pleased to advise you comprehensively with regard to your specific application case and show you how you can increase efficiency.
We have extensive project experience in the following areas especially in the automotive industry. Thanks to our hardware partner you can use our software at the support a wide variety of tasks. Our industry-leading recognition software helps you to to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
- Toolbox for data management and labelling
- Self-learning "Deep Learning" algorithms
- High detection rates
- Detailed reporting
- Maintain control over the important quality assurance process
You can start using with our products in no time.
No process changes, no hassle - simple to use.
Learn about our products through demo installations, usecases similar to yours and talk to our team how our solutions can best help you